So while haul posts can be quite boring, a majority enjoy knowing the stuff people spent their money on. So back to this blog post.. which will be about the stuff I regret not hauling so obviously most of this stuff is LE and surprise surprise all of it from MAC
1. MAC 165 Brush:

How could I have let this beauty pass me by.. Didn't give it a second look for two collections but now that it is gone I think my brush family is incomplete without it. I might get the bigger brother 138 soon to replace the void it has left.
2. My Dark Magic mineralise eyeshadow (from Venomous villains)

Missed young punk from Style black.. then this.. not for the lack of trying though mind you!! It was sold out in little Adelaide before I got there at 9:20 am.. was not a happy camper!
3. MAC MSF Brunette
4. MAC Sweet Sienna Pigment
5. MAC Sweet & Punchy Eyeshadow

I'm pretty sure this list is bigger but this is all I can think of for now. Do you own these products? Am I really missing out?
Do you have an "anti-haul" list?